Spray Drying technology and expertise from GEA

GEA MOBILE MINOR2015small Spray drying is becoming the preferred technique for a growing number of pharmaceutical companies to produce better drugs. This ultrafast and gentle drying technology offers unique ways to define particle characteristics and enable the development of novel formulations and delivery systems. GEA is a pioneer in spray drying technology with a long history of serving the pharmaceutical industry. For a decade customers have benefitted from access to GEA’s cGMP spray drying facility for both clinical studies and commercial pharmaceutical production. No other spray dryer vendor offer such services and in-depth understanding of the pharmaceutical industry. GEA supplies a complete range of spray dryers; from GEA Niro MOBILE MINOR™ lab-scale spray dryers through to a full range of cGMP spray drying plants ranging from the GEA Niro PharmaSD™ size PSD-1 for initial tests under GMP conditions and small productions, up to the largest GMP production units in the industry. In our test facilities, experts are well prepared to provide a full range of services from feasibility testing during the first phase R&D to GMP production. This makes GEA the ideal partner in spray drying. www.niro.com/niro/cmsdoc.nsf/webdoc/ndkk5hve2y gea-niro.pharma@gea.com  

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